Waldorf Agreement

The Waldorf Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

The Waldorf Agreement is a crucial legal document that plays a significant role in the world of education. It is an agreement between the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) and the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN), which outlines the principles and standards behind Waldorf education.

What is Waldorf Education?

Waldorf education is an educational philosophy that emphasizes a well-rounded and comprehensive approach to learning. It was developed in the early 20th century by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner. It is based on Steiner`s pedagogical philosophy, which emphasizes the role of the arts in education and incorporates a holistic approach to education.

Waldorf education aims to develop the child`s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual capacities through a curriculum that integrates arts, language, sciences, and practical skills. It aims to cultivate an appreciation for beauty, create critical thinking skills, and encourage a sense of empathy and social responsibility.

The Importance of the Waldorf Agreement

The Waldorf Agreement is an essential document that serves to create a standard of educational quality and consistency. It outlines the standards and principles that Waldorf schools must adhere to in North America.

The agreement serves several purposes, including:

1. Assurance of Educational Standards

The Waldorf Agreement ensures that Waldorf schools meet a set of defined educational standards. These standards serve to ensure that students receive a high-quality education that is consistent with the Waldorf philosophy.

2. Protection of the Waldorf Philosophy

The agreement also serves to protect the Waldorf philosophy from being misrepresented or misunderstood. It provides clarity on what Waldorf education encompasses and the principles that guide it.

3. Establishing Professional Standards

The agreement sets professional standards for Waldorf teachers, administrators, and staff. It requires them to hold relevant qualifications, follow ethical guidelines, and undergo professional development.

4. Developing Cooperative Relationships

The agreement fosters partnerships and collaborative relationships between the AWSNA and WECAN. The organizations work together to support the growth and development of Waldorf education in North America.

Key Components of the Waldorf Agreement

The Waldorf Agreement is divided into six sections, each of which outlines a specific component of Waldorf education:

1. Early Childhood Education

This section focuses on the principles and standards that guide early childhood Waldorf education.

2. Elementary Education

This section provides guidelines for the elementary Waldorf curriculum, which includes the arts, music, handwork, and foreign languages.

3. Middle School Education

This section outlines the principles and standards for middle school Waldorf education, which emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making.

4. High School Education

This section provides guidelines for the high school Waldorf curriculum, which includes the arts, sciences, humanities, and practical skills.

5. Professional Standards

This section outlines the ethical and professional standards for Waldorf teachers, administrators, and staff.

6. Collaborative Relationships

This section focuses on the relationships between the AWSNA and WECAN and the partnerships and collaborations that support Waldorf education.


The Waldorf Agreement plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and consistency of Waldorf education in North America. It establishes standards for educational practices, protects the Waldorf philosophy, sets professional standards, and fosters collaborative relationships between the organizations that support Waldorf education. As an agreement that values the holistic and well-rounded approach to education, the Waldorf Agreement continues to be a vital document for sustainable educational excellence.

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